
A Little Thing Called LDR

By Elie - 6:00 AM

Days since my last post: 10 

A week ago on this day...

A week ago on this day, I bid my other half goodbye. I watched teary eyed as he walked through the passport verification process, and wouldn't stop waving at him as he headed towards the immigration gates. And after a 17 hour flight with a 3 hour layover in Dubai - some 10,183 kilometers away is now a place my other half calls home.

This long distance relationship was something we decided to do from the day he got his job offer, and we thought it would either make us or break us. Of course we're preferring the former, and now life is supplemented with endless texts, video calls, and random pictures of our everyday lives. It's about battling the time difference - when he's asleep and I'm awake, and vice versa. It's about putting faith in one another, knowing that by the end of the day we would reunite somehow, somewhere.

So here I am - remembering the day we started this new journey in our relationship. It was the 13th of June, 2019 and at 12AM did I give my other half a final hug that would last us for a while. And may our next hug come sooner than later.

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