That's All, 2018

By Elie - 6:00 AM

Days since my last post: 15 

And so that's it - another year, another wrap up. Looking back, 2018 became a year filled with unexpected changes where I had to continuously fight to find my footing. For starters, I lost ground with jobs this year and couldn't seem to find contentment in the things I did. I'm glad that come the end of the year became a time when I felt a little more stable, or perhaps it was just that it's something I'm more familiar with. I definitely hope to stay put now and get comfortable because if there's something nobody has ever told you, it's that switching jobs is a tough job on its own. Touche.

But you know, that's just life and its uncertainties. You win some and you lose some, and yet you stride on year after year anyway! With that, let's step into the time machine and look back at what I wanted in the beginning of the year and see if I've struck gold with them after all:


Penang in May

 Ipoh in August

Hatyai in November

Aha! A hit! In fact, this became a 3-time hit for the year because I got to sneak in several weekend trips to be with them. These trips reminded me of how they weren't quite getting younger, and of the good old times when I would love to smother my father with a pillow because of his snores. These trips have been ever so memorable, and I know I'll cherish these moments for a long time to come. 
This, sadly did not materialize. Instead, it became a "buy plane tickets to Japan" kind of resolution because that's exactly what my other half and I did. Really looking forward to our travels in the middle of 2019, but that would probably mean this is a resolution I have to once again keep on the list for next year. It's been here for 3 years, will I finally complete it soon or will it forever be a resolution? Who knows?
 The house rectification team marking dirty walls for the developers
Nope. In 2018, I learned that there are lots of things that comes with buying a new development. This includes waiting for your keys, waiting for rectifications, getting your blood boiling over rectifications...and a lot more waiting. On the week of Christmas, we finally got the rectifications done after months and months of asking for updates so perhaps in 2019, this would be a better resolution to look at. 
This was shown in my previous blog post too!
After a whole lot of reminders from Tania to really make this come true, I did it. I have to admit that I actually had lots of fun doing it, though remembering to take videos is sometimes such a chore. Moreover, walking around the streets and taking videos feels like such a dangerous feat as an overall but it was definitely a lot of fun. Will I try another? Well maybe, but let's see how that goes.


Meet Winnie the shark!

Now, what did I truly want with this resolution in the beginning of the year? Was it that I was stuck in that unhappy job I was in, or was it that I was generally very tired of 2017? Because joke's on me, 2018 was a far more tiring journey as an overall. I never expected so many changes in a single year - from learning new skills to meeting new people and then going on that repetitive cycle overall. But was I happy in 2018? Am I happy as we're doing this write up? Yes.

Because why not?

Thanks, 2018. You've taught me a lot. And maybe in 2019 I wouldn't make the same mistakes. Maybe.

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