Time to Get Hairless x Philips Satinelle Epilator

By Elie - 4:37 PM

Days since my last post: 19

Very often than not, I mope around in the shower wondering why on earth girls had to have the horrors of body hair that's just supper unattractive. Like hello, I super don't need hair on my legs or my underarms but there they are all the same even after I've epilated it like a week before. If only my actual hair would grow that fast, then I got excuse to always go for haircuts.

Say hello to the new Philips Satinelle Advanced Wet & Dry Epilator.

This is why when I first got an e-mail from RantauPR to try out the brand new Philips Satinelle Advanced Wet & Dry Epilator, I jumped right into the opportunity and flailed my arms in excitement. Clearly didn't raise it because I've been a bit lazy to uh...deal with underarm hair. Although I'm no stranger to epilating, I've always found my current epilator a little dated and it gave me lots of issues when it came to what I would call "hairy days", thus resulting to just making quick shaves (Which is by the way terrible for your skin!) and then the horror repeats after 2 days.

Click once for speed 2, and twice for speed 1.
For a fancy experience, it even comes with a light!
So what's so great about this brand new epilator? Well nothing much, I guess. Except...
  • It comes with 2 speeds - 2 for an efficient epilation of broader areas, and 1 for those sensitive and delicate areas
  • Equipped with a light so you can look out for those pesky hairs you may miss out on
  • Cordless for convenient use everywhere you go, whether it's on a holiday and whether you're in or out of the bathroom
  • The new S-shaped handle is ergonomically designed for you to gain maximum reach hand easier handling
It even comes with its very own charger!

A blinking red light indicates when it needs some juice.

Every full charge gives you up to 40 minutes of epilation, which is probably more than enough because who really takes that long to epilate right? I mean, I take 10 minutes max! This makes it really convenient even if you want to take it along for a holiday and forget about bringing along the charger, which is possibly what Philips had in mind when they came up with this amazing product. 

Something for every routine.

One press release!

It also boasts 5 different body care heads - one for every routine that puts your comfort to the utmost priority. Every head clicks on and off very easily, and changing between the original epilator head to the shaving head simply took a quick press of the button behind the epilator. And if you didn't think that was enough thought, they even have a tiny cleaning brush for you to sweep away all the unwanted hairs on these heads!
  • Massage cap: To give your skin a gentle massage and minimize the pain while epilating 
  • Facial and delicate area cap: For those little spots that just needs some extra TLC 
  • Shaving head and trimming comb: Don't want to epilate? Give it a close shave instead!
I picked speed 1 for areas that are more painful like my ankle.

As I've mentioned, I'm no stranger to epilating but given the ability to pick the speed of the epilator makes me feel a lot more at ease when it comes to dealing with areas that are more painful such as my ankle or around my knees. For broader areas such as my legs and underarms however, I found speed 2 to be way more efficient and I was done in no time at all. Now I'll never have the excuse of having no time to epilate as I used to say with my old unit.

My legs, you so smooth now, I could touch you all night long.

*Molests my legs*

I personally also prefer to epilate in the shower, because it's all about incorporating it into my usual routine anyway and the hot water helps to open up my pores so it's easier for the epilator to simply snag onto my hairs and remove it right from the roots. The epilator is made with unique ceramic materials for a better grip of pesky hairs that somehow have formed a tight relationship with my skin, and the discs gives it a closer touch so I get really optimum results through every stroke.

And it's easy to store!

Remember how I said it's great to take for travels? Yeah, apparently Philips had that in mind as well because the new Philips Satinelle Advanced Wet & Dry Epilator also comes with a carry pouch for you to store all the heads AND charger all in one so you can simply throw it into your luggage without everything falling all over the place. Hello, give you all points for your careful thoughts! 

I guess it's all talk and no share up to here, so maybe it's a smarter choice to tell you guys that you too can get your own Philips Satinelle Advanced Wet & Dry Epilator for just RM 499 at www.blipmy.com. You can also visit the Philips Brand Store at Publika, KL or the Philips Experience Store in Bayan Lepas, Penang. For more information, you could always check out www.philips.com.my! Happy epilating, I have to go molest my hairless and super smooth legs now. Bye!

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