

By Elie - 11:00 AM

こんにちわ、みなさん! In case you're wondering, it means hello, everyone! I'm really putting my Japanese education to good use and seeing as that my 先生 has gone back to Japan for a month, I've got to buck up and practice it with every given chance! Lucky for me, whatever I'll be talking about today is fairly related to Japan so the hiragana practice does come in handy. So less rubbish and more good stuff.

I'm pretty sure 8 out of 10 if not all girls have heard of the brand KOSÉ by now but if you haven't, don't fret. This is where you can learn about them. KOSÉ is a cosmetic brand from Japan that was established in the year 1946 by Mr. Kozaburo Kobayashi and the company's main aim has always been to deliver cosmetics that would suit everyone's needs at top notch quality so you'll know that you're getting your money's worth when you splurge on KOSÉ products. Their line of cosmetic brands includes SEKKISEI, SEKKISEI SUPREME, SEIKISHO, ESPRIQUE and BEAUTÉ de KOSÉ just to name a few.

 Yay to new stuff!

What I'm going to rave about today however is a product from their SEKKISEI line called the SEKKISEI lotion mask; a brand new wonder that I've fallen head over heels for. Seriously, I'm a sucker for anything that's great on my skin because I believe that every girl deserves to be pampered even by themselves if not by their better half. And these pampering sessions begins from home where masks, lotions and other things all come into play.

Here's the review pack I got!

And when removed from the pack, this is what it looks like! So compact!

The thing about growing up for me has always been my oily and dull skin; mainly from genes and my laziness in giving my face proper care but the SEKKISEI lotion mask is here to save the day by giving my skin an instant brightening effect with the natural ingredients from just about 100 types of oriental plants that it packs. This goes along with their recipe for beautiful and translucent skin so everybody can have that ideally perfect skin that they want.

The KOSÉ SEKKISEI lotion mask; unfolded.

Really liking the texture of the mask as opposed to others.

Oh and have I mentioned that it would give your skin a good moisture balance while reducing dullness, roughness, and pimples from the dryness of your skin? Pay good attention here, ladies who spend just about an entire day under the air-conditioning like myself! While the air-conditioning is undoubtedly comfortable to be around, it totally sucks moisture off your skin so you're left with nothing but dry skin that creates all these problems later on. And then you'd probably be under the sunlight when you head out for lunch like myself, resulting in redness from the sunburn but SEKKISEI has that totally under control too.

Here's your truly without make up before the mask. Working 9 AM to 6 PM from Mondays to Fridays will turn anyone from the 20s to look like they're 50 or so.

I hope you sleep well tonight hehehe...

The thing about regular face lotions that I hate is how it leaves me with this sticky feeling and my hair keeps getting stuck to my face involuntarily and it's annoying to have to separate them. The lotion from this mask however would blend instantly into the skin; almost like melting snow onto our warm bodies so our skin is well moisturized and naturally regains its translucency right down to the pores.

Yours truly after the mask. Any thoughts on the brighter skin?

Of course, we don't expect the lotion to just work magic without anything in it. In fact, there are 3 ingredients that has been doing all the work in this SEKKISEI lotion mask so all these miracles could happen and they're none other than:

Coix seeds. These look like Chinese lotus seeds to me!

Coix Seed extract is well known to increase metabolism while providing our skin with a whitening and moisturizing effect. It also prevents our skin from getting rough so you should now know how important it is to be in the SEKKISEI lotion mask!

Angelica extract. I actually think this looks like the Chinese ginseng!

Angelica extract on the other hand acts as a disinfectant from all the impurties our skin is exposed to on a daily basis whether we're outdoors or not as well as giving our skin a whitening and moisturizing effect.

Melothria. This reminds me of the Chinese "dong quai" instead.

Finally, the Melothria (Or better known as White lotus) extract has been added in the SEKKISEI lotion mask to suppress melanin production; a natural process in our body that gives our skin that tan when we're exposed to the sun. It's not that hard to figure that this is also a key ingredient to give our skin that whitening glow, right?

By now, you should be completely sold to the product so I'll cut to the chase to tell you that this amazing product can be found in every KOSÉ counter you can chance upon and they're sold for RM 170 for 200ml and RM 260 for 360ml respectively. More information can be found at their Facebook pages at https://www.facebook.com/kose.malaysia and https://apps.facebook.com/sekkisei_lotion or if you're on the more daring side, you could even check out their Ms. Cinderella contest where you can win up RM 15,000 in cash price and a trip to Japan!

 *Gasp* 私は日本に行きたい!!!

Hold your horses if you think this is the end of my post. Now, I've never done something like this before and if you haven't guessed...IT'S A GIVEAWAY! For the very first time, I will be doing a giveaway all thanks to the good folks from KOSÉ! Because I'm a rookie at this, I'll make it really simple. All you have to do to go home with a set of pocket masks is to leave me a comment below with the answers to these 2 questions:
  1. Tell me the 3 main ingredients used in the KOSÉ SEKKISEI lotion mask
  2. Name me one of the benefits of the KOSÉ SEKKISEI lotion mask
The answers are sprawled all over the blog post so if you've merely skimmed through it, this is the time for you to read every line for your chance to win! Don't forget to leave me your e-mail address so I would know how to contact you when you win but work quick because I'm only going to pick out 24 winners! I'll pick out the 24 lucky ones by the 31st of March 2014 so move along, get commenting and stay cheerful! It's a great day after all and you could make it greater when you know you've won something!

Prize collection will be at the cheerful Nuffnang office at Heritage House but hey, that means you get to visit the renowned orange office that houses all the crazy Nuffies! So what are you doing still reading this? Get commenting!

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  1. Coix seeds. Melothria. Angelica extract.


  2. OH HO! I see Coix seeds, Angelica extract and Melothria in KOSÉ SEKKISEI lotion mask that will help out in WHITENING my face =D *winks*


  3. Coix seeds, angelica extract & melothria

    would give your skin a good moisture balance while reducing dullness, roughness, and pimples from the dryness of our skin

  4. Hi pretty, thanks for giveaways.
    Here is my ans:
    Q1 : Coix seed extract, Angelica extract, Melothria
    Q2 : Translucency

    Email: pinkyyii@live.com

  5. Name: Lenna Yeen
    Email address: lennayeen@gmail.com
    Answers :
    Q1: The three main ingredients are Coix Seed Extract, Angelica Extract, Melothria( White Lotus) Extract.
    Q2: One of the benefits is whitening.

  6. Name: Eriol Loh
    Email address: bubblegum_77@hotmail.com
    Answers :
    Q1: The three main ingredients are Coix Seed Extract, Angelica Extract, Melothria( White Lotus) Extract.
    Q2: One of the benefits is whitening.

  7. Weeeeee,

    Okie dokie me answer too~!

    Question number 1 answer would be Coix seed extract, Angelica extract, Melothria

    And question number 2 answer would be Translucency

    email: thenorelwyn@gmail.com

  8. Hey Elie! :)

    Question 1 : Coix seed extract, Angelica extract, Melothria
    Question 2 : Translucency


  9. 1) coix seed extract, melothria and angelica extract
    2) whitening (much needed)


    Lovely post babe


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