This has been such a long overdue talk but I figured I might as well make the most of what I could remember from the conversation I had with my friends. People may not know this too well but I often feel fairly awkward around new surroundings. For a blogger, that's pretty bad news because there's events and what not but if you notice, I'm half the time either at a corner sipping my drink or standing around people I know yet I'm not quite talking to them. It's an illusion that I am a part of the "cool people" and I'm not a loner. I am however not an introvert because...hey I write a blog. How is that being introverted if I'm sharing all these things with you guys?
As a result of my awkwardness, there's only a handful of people I have in my life whom I much consider as my close friends. When I say close friends, it means I am not afraid to bug the life out of you at 3 in the morning or to get so thick faced as to simply say, "You're buying me lunch right?" out of nowhere. And if you're one of my close friends, chances are you'll know when I talk about my other close friends. So this is the story of my close friends and I on a Whatsapp group.
It's fairly sad to read this because it really means we're all growing up. And too quickly at that. What happened to having to think the only important thing is life was whether or not we would go to school tomorrow?
This is really just a silly babble moment for me to rant on my post-teenage point in life. It's like a midlife a really early stage. Maybe someday I'll look back at this and laugh at myself. This is how I used to be at the point of turning legal. I think I'm okay...for now.
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