The YNOT Graffiti Showdown Finale Day 2

By Elie - 3:00 AM

I am back again! That's right so I promised a Day 2 post because Day 1 of the YNOT Graffiti Showdown Finale at the outdoor theme park of Genting Highlands was a tad bit lot to read wasn't it? Well then, I'll reward you with lots more pictures and a few videos to boot, aye?

So I stopped at my night of Day 1 where we were well fed, had extreme fun and nearly just dropped dead by the door of our hotel room. Day 2 kicked off at about 7.30am for me as I got up to shower and pack and I only woke Pui Yi up at 8am so we could make it for breakfast down in the First World Cafe (3rd floor) with everyone else. We still got there about 15 minutes late because she ended up packing too but it was fine. There were other bloggers who were late as well.

First picture of Day 2 that I put up on Instagram. Yes, I wore that beanie!

After breakfast, Darren the Nuffie (I no longer stand being a Nuffie *sobs*) got us to meet him at the outdoor theme park straight on without having to gather round and what not. It was much easier to not have to walk in a pack because it was Sunday and Genting Highlands was really, really packed even at 9 in the morning! Like, do you people not sleep?!

Pui Yi is still half asleep, really. But thank you for waking up and attending to this little child and her excited genes!

The event didn't quite start yet when we got to the center stage but we were greeted with another surprise for the day. What appeared to be an empty wall by the stage the day before had suddenly been graffiti-ed on, turning the ordinarily boring space into a world full of colours, imaginations and a whole lot of talent filled effort!

And it took them less than 24 hours to create this masterpiece! It was still empty when we got there on Day 1! (I'm sorry I don't have a comparison photograph for you to see!)

I had to camwhore with it. Pui Yi reckons this picture makes me look like I'm abroad where there's ghetto gangsters soon to come out with guns and chains to scare me away!

And then there's us again! Yay! Buddy pictures are absolute loves.

It didn't take very long for other bloggers to arrive and meet us up but it was also not very long until we heard two very familiar voices from Day 1 and they were on stage; again.

It's Dennis Yin and Chriz Ooi from Elecoldxhot again! They have been the emcees for the whole event and the effort they put into this is just remarkable.

After a short introduction, we once again got to watch Elecoldxhot ft FIX perform and just as the ones they had in Day 1, it was equally as good on Day 2 with new choreographs and some kicking action that we wouldn't have expected! 

They started out with some Shaolin soccer action...

And then got everyone hyped up like mad!

You could as usual go on over to my YouTube channel or click here, here, here and hereto watch them! I'm awesome like that, I know! It rained midway so I couldn't catch their full performance from the middle hence the abrupt stop to the video. Do forgive me, my phone isn't quite waterproof. Yet. Anyone want to sponsor me Liquipel?

Our hit activity after the performance had got to be the Harlem Shake video that all the bloggers got to be in with Elecoldxhot and FIX courtesy of RWGenting! The video isn't out just yet but when it is, you'll get to see me and Pui Yi (if you could spot us all the way behind having a fit at each other) with everyone else going wild! Lookout, I'll just pop by to let you know all about it!

Dennis and Chriz had a short game session with the bloggers soon after their performance (where the rain stopped...AFTER they finished) and yours truly was one of those who got pulled up to the stage. The task was simple. BUTT DANCE! Indeed I had to get a little groovy and spell out "ELIE" to all the fellow bloggers but luckily enough everyone was smart to have gotten it without repetitions! Phew!

Walked home with these for my effort! Loving the yellow notebook because it's my favourite colour and also because it is fluffy! And the pink towel can be my new gym towel yay!

We all got to go back to our rooms to "pack" but little did anyone know, Pui Yi and I had ALREADY packed and we were ready to go anyway. So we spent our half hour...

Yeah. We did this in the end anyway. No trip is complete without that mirror shot!

My overall favourite from all of our double shots. For some reason anyway. I'm not sure why.

And then there's your truly being a little gloomy because of the thought that I would have to get back to college for my final semester soon.

There's a whole lot more pictures in my pictures folder but that's just for personal views, really. We had half an hour so nothing could have been better than doing that, okay? It was pretty sad during check out for me because it just meant my holiday was soon coming to an end and I had to go home to reality again. Lunch was served at the Resorts Cafe by the Resorts Hotel but I couldn't eat much thanks to a diarrhea, presumably from breakfast. Pui Yi got hit by it it must have been something we both had. Together.

Being stupid again. That's what friends are for!

We had a fair bit of extra time to roam around after lunch and we decided to make full use of our blogger passes to go in an out around the outdoor theme park to enjoy the cool wind. We couldn't do it as normal civilians but somehow with the pass, we were invincible! We didn't get to ride on anything but just walking around made us happy too!

Iconic shots like these are fun. Spot mine!

That just about marked the end of my trip with Nuffnang to the YNOT Graffiti Showdown Finale by RWGenting. The bus came at 3pm to chug us all back down to civilization at Wisma Genting and I finally got home just a little over 6pm when I had dinner at Domino's in Midvalley after. It was an overall fun trip especially with the companionship and along with all the other bloggers I've met along the way. Thank you again for the opportunity, Nuffnang and thank you too, RWGenting for hosting this whole event. It's definitely the platform for the youths to express themselves and for the public to know that the "underground" scene isn't quite underground after all.

Until the next time, maybe I'll just stick to drawing on my notebook where no one sees it. By the way, have you been voting for the artworks? Tomorrow's the very last day for you to vote so remember to head on over to the YNOT Graffiti Facebook page and cast your votes for your favourite pieces! Mine still remains as Queenie Yaw's for the open category and Looi Mun Loong's for the student category! Trust me, Mun's an awesome graffiti artist! He made me this:
 And it now sticks to my room door! So awesome!

P/S: Remember me saying in Day 1 I've got a story on why I looked so haggard on the first picture? Well, it's just the genius in me who had forgotten to pack away my BB cream and foundation powder for the trip so I woke up at Pui Yi's place looking as though I've been punched. Photographs in Day 1 have been Photoshopped to death just so I don't look like a freaking panda while photographs in Day 2 are what we would call au naturale...because I...snuck some BB cream away from Watsons! Shh shh, our secret!

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