30 Days Challenge; Day 15

By Elie - 1:47 PM

I'm halfway through this challenge and I cannot feel more proud of myself today. Muahaha! So I skipped two days of it, but who cares? I'm still doing it with a bit of recap posts, yes? YES! And let's go along with the 15th day where I am supposed to talk about my "favourite store" and I'm just wondering what it means to have a "favourite store" anyway? It doesn't make sense how you could have just ONE favourite store, right?

But anyway, there isn't a right criteria to the challenge and it never said that I can't pick a store that has closed up and so I shall just break the rules and say that my favourite store is Cozy Craft Corner! That's right, I'm just going to play cheat and get all nostalgic to this store of my mother's that used to operate in Amcorp Mall. It's sad that it no longer operates there but rest assured my mum thinks that we'll be coming back up whether through online transactions or through some shop that we'll get again.

Always and forever the one and only favourite store.

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