
Taiwan Agricultural Products Fair 2012

By Elie - 3:24 PM

Yet another Saturday morning that I've woken up early for something worthy. Pui Yi had invited me to attend the Taiwan Agricultural Products Fair 2012 held by Euro-Atlantic Sdn Bhd this morning at Carrefour, Midvalley Megamall and for that, I thank her to no ends.

Picture credits to Wanyeen Chan.

I had no idea that there has been a constant import for Taiwanese produce and today I had come to know that Malaysia is ranked the 29th in the world ranking of purchasing powers. Also, Euro-Atlantic Sdn Bhd is the first company to obtain the HACCP certification in fresh produce industry so we can expect more imports of good quality grapes, white bittergourd, guava, jumbo watermelon and etc produces in Malaysia!

The morning kick started with a speech by the Managing Director of Ms. Ebby Loo whom had welcomed the numerous VIPs who had graced us with their presence to this fair.

The gracious VIPs of today's fair; Managing Director of Euro-Atlantic, Ms.Ebby Loo; representative of Ban Choon Marketing, Singapore, Mr. Tan; General Manager of Wan Shen Science & Technology Agriculture, Mr.Huang Sheng Yi; President of Faztec Optronics Corporation, Mr. Hsu Chih Ming;  representative of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia, Mr. Lin Min-Li and Secretary-General, Chang Hua Country Government, Taiwan, Mr. Lai Chen-Kou

A warm welcome greeting by Ms. Ebby Loo

A speech by the representative of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia, Mr. Lin Min-Li

 A gracious talk by Secretary-General, Chang Hua Country Government, Taiwan, Mr. Lai Chen-Kou

Right after the delivery of speeches, Mr.Lin Min-Li had officiated the fair with a "gong" performance while being accompanied by Ms.Ebby Loo and Mr.Lai Chen Kou which was closely followed by a traditional dance by the Taiwan Kyoho Grape Princesses.

The iconic "gong" ceremony to officiate the fair

The 3 beautiful Taiwan Kyoho Grape Princesses

Of course, I'm even going to pop you how wonderful the dance performance was!

I'm sorry for panning left and right as the performance went on. I did try to capture as much as I can using my little camera.

The VIPs were lined up after to cut up a jumbo watermelon imported from Taiwan. Just imagine a wonderfully big watermelon being cut open right in front of your eyes!

 Imagine THIS by your eyes!

The VIPs slicing open the huge watermelons!

Of course, not without some effort. So do give our VIPs a big round of applause!

Wonderfully fresh jumbo watermelon from Taiwan!

Look how beautifully sliced these are!

Fruity, juicy and fresh!

Lucky for us media people, we were served with an array of fruits from the Taiwan Agricultural Fair 2012 right after the watermelon slicing ceremony.

Deliciously fresh Taiwan produce!

Sweet guavas. I've never been a huge fan of guavas because they tend to be a little hard and I am extremely overprotective of my teeth.

Kyoho grapes! Unfortunately I found them a little bland to taste and they had seeds. I wish they were seedless, but it was still good nevertheless.

 Taiwan Red Plum. This is great! I loved it!

Huge Taiwanese mangoes. If only it were skinned but it was otherwise very delicious. Juicy, fresh and sweet!

Yummy Taiwan pears. There were HUMONGOUS!

Generously, the agricultural fair had even treated some customers of Carrefour, Midvalley to enjoy the array of cut fruits available!

Look how excited the customers of Carrefour, Midvalley were! They quickly snapped up the array of fruity buffet offered!

To end the event, the Kyoho Grape Princesses had come for photography sessions with the guests of the fair. I was amazed by how beautiful these princesses were, if not jealous. In fact, they were tall and somehow looked fairly mixed.

Our privileged VIPs along with the Kyoho Grape princesses lining up for a group photoshoot.

Kyoho Grape Princesses serving us with fresh, juicy and sweet fruits imported all the way from Taiwan!

To end my long post, here's a picture of my new found crazy friend, Wanyeen enjoying the mangoes from the fair! Truly a Saturday morning well spent.

Hello, Wanyeen :)

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  1. Hi ELLIE,
    I hope you don't mind me asking a bit about the Taiwanese Fruit fair. Did they mention anything about the fruits being "organically grown" or "genetically modified". The fruits look great, but I am just trying to avoid all genetically grown fruits (food & drinks). They wreck havoc in our immune system, etc. Thanks in advance. Regards SAIFUL -bangsar

    1. Hi Saiful, great to have you here.

      Unfortunately, there were no information provided or whether or not these produces were organically grown or genetically modified. If you would like, however, I would be more than pleased to provide you the contact number to the company who imports these fruits. Perhaps then you would be able to gather more information regarding these wonderful produces?


    2. Ah, thanks Elie, that would be most helpful.
      I am trying to source for Fresh Farm produce that is free from Genetic engineering, pesticides and chemicals. If you ever wondered why cancer is mushrooming today, look no further than the hormones that they inject into chickens (to accelerate their growth). I have been on this cancer trail for a number of years, and recently had the opportunity to discuss the subject about “food pollution” with an “orthomolecular“scientist. He is a consultant to 30 hospitals and has decades of experience in dealing with cancer patients. He confirmed on the matter
      By the way, you write in a very POLITE & patient manner 
      SAIFUL –

    3. Hello Saiful,

      As promised here is the contact number to Euro-Atlantic Sdn Bhd: 603-4251 8482

      I hope that it would be of help to you as well as the "orthomolecular" scientist you have mentioned about. Hopefully in time we would all be consuming fresh and chemical free produces.

      Thank you very much for your kind compliments and I hope that you have found joy in reading my blog. :)



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